Monday, April 23, 2007


rue!, originally uploaded by brookage.

we got a free copy of rue mcclanahan's autobiography, "my first five husbands and the ones who got away," at my paper a few weeks ago, and i ripped through it in record time.

rue, as i like to call her, is best known as blanche from 'the golden girls," and she has had a lot of sex. as of page 87, she'd already had more sex than i will ever have in my entire life.

upon my sparkling recommendation, rue's book has become required reading for females on the copy desk. she was in atlanta tonight for a book signing, so a couple friends (and one very patient fiance) and i went to look upon the face of a woman who taught us all that it's better late than pregnant.

the line was pretty long (most rue disciples were gay men. i think her legions of fans should be called rue-fies), but a small-screen legend awaited us at the end. i told her that i liked the book (i did, actually, it was a fun, scandalous read), and she seemed surprised. i think she was just intimidated (thanks, karen) by my massive rack.

1 comment:

karen-the-great said...

oh, rue the day!

(I couldn't help it! besides, you sent me that transformers joke...)

I guess it's possible to be "intimated" by someone's rack... what kind of secrets did they share?

...and you call yourself a copy-editor! ;)