Thursday, December 21, 2006


my office is weird, because one half of it works during the day, and the rest of us come out at night and do bad things to your children and then put out a paper. during our weekly staff meetings, we're all in plain sight of a desk that's quickly becoming legendary. some sweet old lady seems to have a bit of a crush on billy idol.

the first clue was the numerous framed photographs.

then we all saw the car with the numerous billy idol bumper stickers in the parking lot. then we saw the signed cocktail napkin taped to her desk (by this point we were checking the desk every night as a matter of form, because madness begs nothing if not intense observation).

last week, it took a turn for the crazier.

this woman's desk now boasts a billy idol christmas tree. my guess she is dreaming of a white wedding christmas. oh no i just didnt!

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